Our Temple


With unwavering dedication, we are diligently pursuing our dream to establish a Hindu Cultural Center andTemple in Red Deer, devoted to serving the growing Hindu community across Central Alberta. We are very close to acquiring our land for Hindu Cultural Center and Temple and we need your help making our dream a reality.

We are being encouraged by all our supporters. We have already received more than $200,000 including Society (HCSCA) Contribution and firm commitments from our community members, but we still need help reaching the fundraising goal of $450,000. We are requesting funds to build Cultural Center and Mandir in two phases and looking for $450,000 in total for both the phases from Central Alberta donors like you.

We have purchased a industrial 1.25 acre land behind Westerners park in Red Deer County as of April 2nd, 2024.

To make this dream a reality, we are reaching out to you for your support. Your generous donation will directly contribute to the purchase of the land, paving the way for the establishment of a sacred space that will serve as the heart of our community.

By coming together and pooling our resources, we can create a foundation that will support our community’s spiritual growth for generations to come.

We understand that contributions come in various forms, and donors have generously supported our cause with meaningful and diverse donations. Please feel free to donate any amount you are comfortable. MANDIR IS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOUR DONATIONS. Every bit helps us get closer to our goal. Your generosity, no matter the amount, is deeply appreciated. Also, please consider spreading the word to your friends and family!

There are several ways you can contribute to our Hindu Mandir Fund:

Make a donation online at https://www.reddeerhindusociety.com/temple/

Through a Credit Card at this Link https://square.link/u/98sXXbSu

E-transfer at pay@reddeerhindusociety.com

To donate via check or cash (please e-mail us at info@reddeerhindusociety.com and we will coordinate with you)

All donations are eligible to receive a tax deductible receipt.

For any questions, donations and details please contact any HCSCA board member or email us at contact@reddeerhindusociety.com

We thank you in advance for your support and for considering this opportunity to be a vital part of our temple’s journey. Your contribution will make a lasting impact.

Our Fundraising Programs

The Hindu Cultural Society of Central Alberta is committed to raising funds for the construction of a temple in or around Red Deer. To achieve this goal, we have various fundraising programs in place.

Bottle Drive

Collection of recyclable bottles to raise funds for the temple construction


We also accept sponsorships from local businesses and organizations to support our fundraising efforts.

Lump Sum Donation

One-time donations from community members to contribute to the temple fund.

Pre-authorized Monthly Debit

A monthly donation option where community members can make recurring donations to the temple fund


A pledge is a commitment to donate a fix amount (example $500, $1000, $5000, $10000 or higher etc.) when society needs funds to put on a downpayment on a property for temple in future.

Dollar a day (or more) program

A family can donate a monthly amount to support the society. This can be done by direct deposit into society’s bank account or by paying cash every month to any of the board members or Society Treasurer

We also organize events like Diwali, where all proceeds from ticket sales and sponsorship revenue after cost are dedicated towards the cultural center and temple fund.

Our Vision and Mission

The Hindu Cultural Society of Central Alberta is dedicated to realizing our goal of building a cultural center and temple in or around Red Deer. We believe that having our own worship place, our own Real Estate, our own Mandir, is essential for the visibility and existence of our community.

Having a temple means having a presence in the community, and visibility means that we exist. Without a identity, we are relegated to the margins and are effectively invisible to the wider community. Building a temple is not just a struggle for resources, but also a struggle for identity.

That's why we encourage every attendee/devotee to join our mission, vision and goal of building a temple and make it a priority for our community.

We understand that passion is an output, but purpose is an input, and we believe that the purpose of building a temple is an essential one for our community. Together, we can make it happen, and we are certain that we all have a purpose to build the temple.

We invite everyone to join us in this mission and be a part of this historic moment for our community. Your support and participation are crucial in making our dream a reality.

Get Involved

There are many ways you can become involved with and help our community, by volunteering to help at the Temple or Community Cultural Centre, donating much-needed funds, or by becoming a member in order to receive the full benefits of our vibrant Hindu community.